Japan Time:

2020 TOYOTA DYNA 冷凍冷蔵車

Vehicle Specifications
Stock Id: 202332700023
Model: QDF-KDY231
Mileage (km): 12,085
1st Reg. Year: 7/2020
Fuel: Diesel
Transmission: AT
Grade: 冷凍冷蔵車
Drive Train: 2WD
Steering: Right
Chassis: KDY231-8043***
Color: WHITE
Capacity (cc): 3,000
Seats: 3
Door: 2
Exterior: A
Interior: B
Dimensions (cm): L: 469 x W: 169 x H: 233
19 M3
Air Cond / Air Bag / ABS / Reverse Camera
Selling Point:
13880 AT car Standard width Short Refrigerated mobile sales vehicle made by Toko Refrigeration Engineering 0 ℃ Small freezer made by Engel (temperature -18 degrees) Three-sided flip-up door Glass showcase Standby System AC100V
Total Price Calculator

Estimated Price Information:

FOB USD 28,687
  • Vehicle Price is not negotiable.
  • Availability depends on dealer inventory and items may sell out.
  • Please make an inquiry for availability and actual total price.
This price is for shipping by Ro-Ro shipment.
For other shipping methods may cost extra.
Please contact your sales agent for actual price.
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