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Blog Articles


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Shipping Notice (2022/10/06)
LATEST NEWS 2022/10/06

Shipping Notice (2022/10/06)

Dear Nikkyo customers.
We would like to inform you that logistics operations globally are currently under heavy strain due multiple factors and this is causing delays with shipping to all destinations. In some cases, the shipping of large vehicles, trucks, buses and heavy machinery is being rejected outright by shipping lines.
Rest assured we are working hard with our partners around the globe to ensure your vehicles are shipped.
We appreciate your understanding. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your sales representative.

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MIRIVE Aichi Auction OPENS!
LATEST NEWS 2020/07/13

MIRIVE Aichi Auction OPENS!

Mirive Auctions has opened on the 26th June 2020 their newest auction house MIRIVE Aichi based in Nagoya Japan. With expected 2,000 to 4,000 cars every week this newest auction house is the perfect place to purchase vehicles at low prices. 

Register with Nikkyo at www.nikkyocars.com to get access to Mirive auctions and more.

Mirive is part of the BIG MOTOR group, the now largest used vehicle dealership chain in Japan. This gives Mirive access to thousands of vehicles with low reserves from their dealership network. Nikkyo cars is attending all of Mirive auctions every week in order to find the best deals for our customers. 

Articled Written By Daniel Wise © 2020-06-24

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Nikkyo Rust Removal Service
LATEST NEWS 2020/04/15

Nikkyo Rust Removal Service

Nikkyo Cars Rust Removal

Nikkyo has an exclusive deal with suppliers on industry strength rust removal products. We cant reveal too much as our competitors are always checking up on us, but we can say that this product works! 

Why purchase vehicles with minor rust? The price is considerably lower than a vehicle with no rust. This rust removal process from Nikkyo Cars is suitable for passing through NZTA border inspections and Compliance in New Zealand. 

Coming Soon! - Service available in Tokyo region, please ask one of our staff at www.nikkyocars.com or your account manager to know more.

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Inspeção Intertek ainda necessária?
LATEST NEWS 2020/02/13

Inspeção Intertek ainda necessária?

Ultimamente ouve se rumores de que a inspeção pré-embarque para produtos importados, incluindo viaturas usadas, não é mais necessária.

Estão circulando algumas cópias de documentos supostamente emitidos pelas autoridades tributárias e alfandegárias de Moçambique atestando que a partir de Janeiro não é mais necessária a inspeção pré-embarque realizada pela Intertek.

OS 06_AT_DGA_900_2020 - Sobre Inspecção Pre Embarque na ImportView PDF

A Intertek por outro lado diz não ter recebido nenhuma nota oficial das autoridades Moçambicanas e continua efetuando as inspeções normalmente para aqueles que assim a solicita.

No momento não há nenhuma informação oficial que tenha chegado a nós, mas já vemos vários importadores não solicitando a inspeção pré-embarque.

Esperamos que este impasse seja logo esclarecido.

Articled Written By  Saito Martins Rodrigo  © 2020-02-13

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Mandatory Electronic Stability Control (ESC) for New Zealand market
LATEST NEWS 2020/02/10

Mandatory Electronic Stability Control (ESC) for New Zealand market

As most of you already know, Electronic Stability Control (ESC) will be mandatory for all MA MB, MC, and NA class vehicles.

Simply, the passenger cars, people carriers, vans and trucks which GVM less than 3500kgs.

(Vehicles more than 20 year old will be excluded.)

This rule starts from 1st of March, which needs to be NZTA boarder inspected in Japan before that, not at NZ side.

Easy to imagine, many dealer will rush to get them boarder checked within the dead line. Due to the agent’s capability, they set the deadline of order to get it inspected around 25th of February.  (Please check with your shipping agents for more info) This means the non ESC vehicles needs to be carried in to the shipping agents yards, ready to get it boarder checked till then.

For more info, please ask your sales representative, and don’t miss out your last opportunity to bring the vehicles without ESC to New Zealand!!

Article Written By Yokoyama Takashi © 2020-02-10

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Flooded Vehicles
LATEST NEWS 2019/12/20

Flooded Vehicles

In September 2019, typhoon has struck Japan and made disastrous damage through out the country.

That made tons of flooded vehicles selling at the auctions. Those cars are all gathered to one section, looked like the auction house made an “Flooded vehicle section”.

JAAI(Japan Auto Appraisal Institute) set a rule for flooded car that:
*A vehicle flooded above the interior floor.
*Can find an evidence of flood in multiple areas

Some of them are obvious, dirt all over the interior, of the rust/corrosion could be found on the metal parts of bad smell.

When there is a people try to get rid of those, there will always be a person who wants it. Reason? Because it is cheap of course.

One of the typhoon struck the Kyushu are, there were over 10,000 cars flooded, and 6,000 of them has cancelled the registration, got it off the road. Surprisingly, only 35% of those will be dismantled. Rest of the 4,000 were either repaired and/or sold as second hand cars.

Flooded vehicles will not be a good money if not entirely cleaned to clear the evidence. Comparing to accident vehicles, flooded vehicles are mostly an issue of the electrics, not exterior issues like bumpers or panels.

Those vehicles will mostly be sold to overseas market. Most of those vehicles were sold to Russia, Pakistan, UAE, Philippines.

In auctions, the most of them are sold as As is/accident or “Auction grade 1”

For flooded hybrid cars are dangerous and may cause power leak or short circuit. But it seems there is no possibilities of getting electrocuted.

For the markets where flooded vehicles are no good, please be careful, for those are okay, might be able to get it cheaper?

Article Written By Yokoyama Takashi © 2019-12-20

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The Car Auction Houses of Japan
LATEST NEWS 2019/12/17

The Car Auction Houses of Japan

Car Auctions in Japan are run on weekly basis at 120+ auction houses/yards across Japan. There can be up to 145,000 cars up for sale per week. Generally vehicles in car auctions in Japan have low reserve prices and can be a great source of vehicles at below market value prices. Get in touch with a www.nikkyocars.com representative to know more shipping to your destination directly from auction in Japan.

Auction Schedule







Article Written By Daniel Wise © 2019-12-16

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Почему быстро не отправит мою машину?
LATEST NEWS 2019/11/27

Почему быстро не отправит мою машину?

Что делает после покупки в аукционе?

Машину отправит в порт отправки прямо с аукциона. Длительность подготовки и отправления от 2 до 14 дней. А доставка необходимых документов для экспорта – в среднем через 7-14 дней из аукциона. Оформление документов для экспорта выполнит за 2-3 дня если нет проблема.

Заказ парома принимается только после того когда все докумкнты готовые на экспорт.

Почему так долго надо ждать? 

Перед загрузкой машиной в паром – надо растаможить в порте отправки в Японии. В паром загрузят много машин и время надо и поэтому обычно срок бронирования парома определится на 7 дней назад до отправки.

В среднем через 10-20 дней после покупки будет известна инфо о том, на каком пароме машина будет переводится. Среднее время между покупкой и отгрузкой во Владивостоке составляет 25-30 дней.

Articled Written By  Kimura Yutaka © 2019-11-27

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Vantagens de Importar um Carro Usado Japonês
LATEST NEWS 2019/11/27

Vantagens de Importar um Carro Usado Japonês

Não há dúvidas que em torno de 90% das viaturas circulando em Moçambique são veículos de segunda mão importados do Japão, o restante provavelmente divididos entre viaturas Sul Africanas, Indianas e Chinesas.

Por que será que tantas pessoas importam viaturas do Japão? Isto é simples de responder: Melhor custo benefício! Carros Japoneses além de serem construídos sob um rígido controle de qualidade, eles circulam nas melhores e mais bem construídas estradas do mundo, o que aumenta a vida útil das viaturas. Mesmo importando uma viatura de segunda mão, estará adquirindo um carro que não foi tão exigido.

Um dos 9 parques que a Nikkyo inspeciona e mantém parte de seu stock no Japão

Pode se notar que as viaturas importadas do Japão, mesmo após circularem um tempo pelas estradas de areal e em condições um pouco mais precárias em Moçambique, ainda são comercializadas novamente, provando a durabilidade dos carros japoneses, mesmo de segunda mão.

E não pense que somente veículos de turismo são importados. Muitas carrinhas, mini bus, e outros são muito procurados pelo baixo preço, resistência e certeza que irão cumprir com as tarefas que lhe forem dadas.

Não perca tempo e venha adquirir a sua viatura de segunda mão com a Nikkyo, diretamente do Japão para as suas mão. Temos agentes locais que poderão lhe auxiliar no processo de importação caso precisar, se já tem experiência com importação de viaturas e ainda não tentou a Nikkyo, agora é o momento, não irá se arrepender.

Estaremos aguardando o seu contato!

Articled Written By  Saito Martins Rodrigo  © 2019-11-26

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Какие авто аукционы в Японии?
LATEST NEWS 2019/10/30

Какие авто аукционы в Японии?

1.Онлайн авто-аукционы

Большая части автомобилей продается именно с онлайн аукционов. Торги проходят в режиме реального времени. На каждый лот уделяется в среднем 15-40 секунд, поэтому времени на раздумье у покупателей нет нужно заранее выбрать авто и определиться с максимальной суммой покупки.

2.Тендерные площадки (LUM, ORIX,NPS,ZERO)

Чаще всего выставляют машины которые находились в арендном пользовании или юридическим лицам. Аукционы проходят не в режиме онлайн на таких площадках информация собирается заранее, а результаты объявляются после торгов. Выигрывает покупатель, предложивший наибольшую цену.

3.Аукционы грузовиков

Isuzu авто аукцион групп
Работает 3 площадки : Макухари (Токио), Кобэ, Кюсю). Больше всего торгуют марки ISUZU но есть и других производителей.

ARAI авто аукцион групп
Из 4 площадки - ARAI OYAMA и ARAI KENKI работают специально для грузовиков и спецтехник.

Articled Written By Kimura Yutaka © 2019-10-30

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