Japan Time:

Blog Articles


Total : 92

Nissan e-Power Technology
CAR NEWS 2019/11/06

Nissan e-Power Technology

Now, Japan is mostly a hybrid country. When I go out, there are many hybrids on the road. When you hear the word “Hybrid” what do you imagine? Prius? Aqua? I’m sure most of you are, and I’m one of them. Needless to say, Toyota’s hybrid system is really sophisticated.

Since everyone knows their system, I now would like to talk about Nissan “e-Power system”. To cut the long story short, the “e-Power” system uses an electric motor while petrol engine generates electricity. More simply, it is an EV that you don’t need to recharge. (The motor is same as Nissan Leaf, and generates power of equivalent by 2 litre petrol engine.)

If a pure EV, battery needs to be recharged, but if e-Power, the petrol engine generates electricity. It is a technology of combining all the benefit from EV, and convenience of petrol engine based electric generator. The major concern for pure EV might be the charging station. There are quite a lot of them in Japan, but you won’t be 100% stress free. But on e-power, engine is used as a generator purpose only.

I’ve once saw on youtube that Serena e-power did a distance more than 1000kms on one single 55 litre petrol tank. My 1998 5MT turbo charged 4WD wagon did only 600kms at best. Isn’t it enough comparing to other Hybrid system?

The e-power is:

*Powerful : Produces equivalent power of 2 litre petrol engine
*Quiet : The electric motor is used to run, engine is used as a generator only
*Economical : The fuel economy is 34.0km/l to 37.2km/l on catalogue, should have nearly 20-30 km/l on city/highway on real life.

Nissan e-Power is available on:

By 2022, these models might be added in their range.

By the way, did you know that the “NOTE” was an acronym of Japanese words explaining the different boot utility mode?

N: Nidan Trunk mode (Twin trunk mode
O: Open mode
T: Tappuri(large capacity) Mode
E: Easy flat mode

(I actually didn’t know until I did closer research)

Thanks for time reading. Hope to see you soon.

Articled Written By Takashi Yokoyama © 2019-11-06

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Autos deportivos Japoneses | Serie 1
CAR NEWS 2019/11/06

Autos deportivos Japoneses | Serie 1

¿ Comprarias un auto deportivo en 100,000 (cien mil)dolares americanos si supieras que se vendera en 200,000 (docientos mil)dolares americanos despues de mas de 25 años ?

Primeramente las personas que vean este articulo y puedan comprender el contenedido serian personas que le gusta la velocidad, adrenalina y la television. Tambien el contenido esta en base de mi conocimiento personal y cosas que escuche sin verificar pero con muchas posibilidades que sean reales, por eso mismo pueda que hayga algo que no entendi bien o este errado. En ese caso me pueden dejar escrito sus comentarios para yo tambien saber la verdad y aclarar mi conosimiento.     

Cuando era niño me gustaba la velocidad y los autos deportivos, siempre mirava la television soñando con que alguna vez tener uno y correr a toda velocidad con una chica en el asiento de copiloto. Ahora le tengo mas interes por otra razon que es la pregunta del principio. Se dice que el HONDA NSX en su epoca de venta de 1990 al 2005 era de unos 100,000 dolares americanos comprando de las playas de la misma tienda de la HONDA, haga clic en la imagen para ver.

Existe NSX que su precio superan los 200,000 dolares americanos y la mayoria de esa categoria no tienen precio. 

Yo tampoco nose por que ocurre esto exactamente pero supuestamente deve aver un modelo de tipo especial que la gente este buscando y no haygan fabricado a cantidad y cada vez cuando hay menos unidades ala venta el precio sube mas. Claro siempre y cuando hayga compradores cosa que por lo visto todavia sigue aviendo.

Por eso mismo si uno busca hay muchos NSX que se venden en menos de 100,000 dolares americanos en Japon tambien. 

Los NSX fabricados apartir del 2017 (nuevo modelo) su precio de venta de las playas de la tiendas de la HONDA es de mas de 200,000 dolares americanos, Algo que nunca paso en las ultimas decadas. 

Los autos deportivos en los 90 al 2005 comprando de las tiendas de la misma marcas eran de un unos 40,000 a 50,000 dolares americanos de un supra o un skyline GTR, y esos eran unos de los precios mas caros en esa epoca. El NSX estaba como un auto muy aparte de todos esos como un auto de lujo y deportivo que solo los millonarios podian comprar. El sueldo de los japoneses es unos 40,000 a 50,000 dolares americanos al año en estas ultimas epocas, quiere decir que comprar un NSX sale mas del doble de lo que ganan al año. No es imposible pero como la vida Japonesa es cara las personas normales no le da para comprar un auto de mas del doble de su sueldo al año. Lo normal de todos los japoneses era comprar autos economicos de menos de 20,000 dolares americanos y esos son los que mas se venden desde los 90 hasta el momento. 

Escrivo este articulo para compartir conosimiento y pasion de estos auto para conoser mas las razones que se quieren estos autos en todo el mundo. Yo por mas que hayga tenido 100,000 dolares americanos en esa epoca no huviera comprado el NSX, por que seria gastar todos mis ahorros y quedarme sin nada. Y a cambio huviera comprado un supra con la mitad de precio. El supra tambien es un auto deportivo Japones muy pedido en todo el mundo junto al skyline GTR, solo que estos autos no suben tanto los precios a comparacion de NSX por el momento. ¿Cual seria la diferencia ? y ¿ habra posibilidades de que los supras y skyline GTR suban sus precios ?

El futuro navie puede ver pero con conosimiento de muchas personas se puede reducir las opsiones y llegar a un resultado muy cercano al futuro real y es eso el sentido de escribir este articulo. 

Por lo que yo imagino el pedido de estas unidades es el Dibujo animado japones Initial D y la pelicula America rapidos y furiosos. Ayi pueden ver bastantes autos que no bajan sus precios de venta y tambien se puede ver la posibilidad de potencia que pueden tener estos autos si los tuneas a perfeccion. Cosa que asian con los autos deportivos para tener mas velocidad modicicando los autos y hasta los cortaban para agrandar los guarda barros para poner llantas mas grandes, cosa que nunca escuche que alguien asia con los Ferrari o algun otro auto de lujo deportivo. 

En mis siguientes articulos presentare los autos mas especificamente para ver que posibilidades tiene y adivinar un futuro.

Articled Written By Ramos Shimabuku © 2019-11-06

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Какие авто аукционы в Японии?
LATEST NEWS 2019/10/30

Какие авто аукционы в Японии?

1.Онлайн авто-аукционы

Большая части автомобилей продается именно с онлайн аукционов. Торги проходят в режиме реального времени. На каждый лот уделяется в среднем 15-40 секунд, поэтому времени на раздумье у покупателей нет нужно заранее выбрать авто и определиться с максимальной суммой покупки.

2.Тендерные площадки (LUM, ORIX,NPS,ZERO)

Чаще всего выставляют машины которые находились в арендном пользовании или юридическим лицам. Аукционы проходят не в режиме онлайн на таких площадках информация собирается заранее, а результаты объявляются после торгов. Выигрывает покупатель, предложивший наибольшую цену.

3.Аукционы грузовиков

Isuzu авто аукцион групп
Работает 3 площадки : Макухари (Токио), Кобэ, Кюсю). Больше всего торгуют марки ISUZU но есть и других производителей.

ARAI авто аукцион групп
Из 4 площадки - ARAI OYAMA и ARAI KENKI работают специально для грузовиков и спецтехник.

Articled Written By Kimura Yutaka © 2019-10-30

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Cuidados a serem tomados ao receber a sua viatura recém importada do Japão
HOW-TO 2019/10/23

Cuidados a serem tomados ao receber a sua viatura recém importada do Japão

A primeira coisa que deve ser feita assim que retirar a sua viatura do porto, é verificar e trocar os fluidos e filtros. Óleo do motor e água/fluido do radiador devem ser os primeiros a serem verificados, e o óleo trocado imediatamente.

Um dos motivos dos veículos usados japoneses terem preços acessíveis, é porque ao serem comprados dos leilões, vão direto ao porto onde serão embarcados. Não há histórico de manutenção em praticamente todos os carros comprados de leilão, por isso é melhor garantir do que se arriscar.

Troque os filtros de óleo de motor e filtro de ar também, pois não sabemos a quanto tempo estão sendo usados, você não quer o seu carro novo rodando com fluido e filtros antigos, certo?

Faça uma manutenção periódica e sempre procure um mecânico experiente e de confiança que possa lhe ajudar tanto na manutenção do seu carro, fazendo assim que o mesmo lhe acompanhe por muito tempo, pois os carros japoneses são muito fortes e duram bastante, mas também precisam dos cuidados básicos.

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Cuidados a serem tomados ao receber a sua viatura recém importada do Japão
CAR NEWS 2019/10/23

Cuidados a serem tomados ao receber a sua viatura recém importada do Japão

A primeira coisa que deve ser feita assim que retirar a sua viatura do porto, é verificar e trocar os fluidos e filtros. Óleo do motor e água/fluido do radiador devem ser os primeiros a serem verificados, e o óleo trocado imediatamente.

Um dos motivos dos veículos usados japoneses terem preços acessíveis, é porque ao serem comprados dos leilões, vão direto ao porto onde serão embarcados. Não há histórico de manutenção em praticamente todos os carros comprados de leilão, por isso é melhor garantir do que se arriscar.

Troque os filtros de óleo de motor e filtro de ar também, pois não sabemos a quanto tempo estão sendo usados, você não quer o seu carro novo rodando com fluido e filtros antigos, certo?

Faça uma manutenção periódica e sempre procure um mecânico experiente e de confiança que possa lhe ajudar tanto na manutenção do seu carro, fazendo assim que o mesmo lhe acompanhe por muito tempo, pois os carros japoneses são muito fortes e duram bastante, mas também precisam dos cuidados básicos.

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How to do an Oil Change
HOW-TO 2019/10/16

How to do an Oil Change

Changing the oil in your car is something that you can do by yourself. Although changing the oil might appear rather obvious, there are still a lot of folks doing it wrong. Making it an ugly chore or overpaying for oil changes they could do on their own. Plus, an oil change is the most important task you can do to make your engine maintenance. We’ll show you how to change oil and how to extend oil life.

You may have done it years ago. But with oil change shops charging more and more, it’s time to get back under the car and start saving big bucks. Plus, you won’t be pressured into buying overpriced add-ons (like wiper blades…etc) every time you go in for an oil change. We’ll show you how to change oil fast and painlessly. And we’ll show you some tips you may not know about.

Before you head off to the auto parts store, consult your owner’s manual for the type and weight of oil specific to your vehicle. It’s especially important to follow the carmaker’s recommendations for oil viscosity.  Late-model engines rely on oil pressure to regulate valve timing and apply the proper tension to the timing belt or chain. Substituting your personal preference for the manufacturer’s recommendations can result in engine damage, poor performance or even a “Check Engine” light might be on.

Don't Skimp on an Oil Filter & When to Change Oil in Car.

In the old days, oil filters were all pretty much the same inside. But not anymore. If your owner’s manual recommends extended oil change intervals (every 10,000 km instead of 5,000 km), you must buy a filter that’s rated to go the distance. In other words, don’t fill your engine with expensive synthetic oil and then spin on an economy filter—it won’t last and will decrease your oil life. Check the filter box, ask the store, or check the filter manufacturer’s website to make sure the filter you buy is rated for extended oil change intervals.

There’s a huge difference between an economy oil filter and high quality ones. But there’s only a small difference in price. If you use conventional oil and diligently change it every 5,000 km, you can get by with the economy filter. But if you regularly “forget” and go beyond that mileage or use long-mileage synthetic blends or full synthetic, spend the extra bucks on a better filter. Consider at these cutaway filters and you could see why the premium filter is a better choice.

Keeping up with car maintenance can help extend the life of your car. Because have you ever searched: How much does it cost to replace an engine? It’s not pretty.

If you get all your ducks in a row, you’ll be done changing oil in about 20 minutes. Start by spreading plastic sheeting on the ground. Then drive your car on top of it. That will eliminate all oil spill cleanup work since you can just toss the entire sheet when you’re done, or keep it for the next change if you’re lucky enough to go spill-free. Jack up the car, set the jack stands in place, and lower the car. If you’re on asphalt, place squares of plywood under the jack stands for support.

Place all your tools on a tray or in a box so everything you need is in one place. That means a box-end wrench for the drain plug, a rubber mallet (Step 1), a filter wrench, a drain pan and the new filter. Before you slide it all under the car, open a new oil bottle and smear clean oil on the new filter’s gasket. Then you’re ready to start the job.

Remove the drain plug and get the old oil flowing. Then remove the oil filter and install the new one. Once the old oil is down to a trickle, install a new gasket on the plug (if required) and tighten it by tapping the box-end wrench with the rubber mallet. Wipe the drips with a rag and you’re done under the car.

Required Tools for Oil Change. Have the necessary tools for this how to change your oil lined up before you start—you’ll save time and frustration. You’ll also need an oil filter wrench, a funnel and oil pan.

Required Materials for Oil Change. Avoid last-minute shopping trips by having all your materials ready ahead of time for this how to change oil. Here’s a list:

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What Causes Vehicles to Rust in Snowy Regions of Japan?
HOW-TO 2019/10/16

What Causes Vehicles to Rust in Snowy Regions of Japan?

While Japan may have various geographical conditions, it has one of the world's heaviest snowfall regions. Five regions are listed in the world snowfall ranking. In terms of time, snow remains on the street for months from mid-November to March (Longest until May). Under such circumstances, you can easily imagine that rust will be form underneath of vehicles used in daily lives. Also, people in snowy area do not wash their cars frequently because it gets dirty immediately after washing.

However, if it is just snow, cars are very well protected against it. So how does rust occur in cold regions? When iron parts come in contact with oxygen, iron oxide or rust is formed. This process is accelerated by a substance called sodium chloride, commonly used in road-salt or cryoprotectant. During the winter seasons, the roads are often covered with anti-freezing agents. Along with infrequent car washes, rust can develop quickly.

Areas with more snow are shown on the map. When temperatures are low at night, these areas are often laid with anit-freezing agents to prevent the risk of frozen roads. Therefore rust is often seen on vehicles used in such places. Features of this region may affect the price of used cars. If you find cheaper prices from these areas, this may be the reason.

Dark Blue: Heavy snow region / Light Blue: Normal snow region
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What Causes Vehicles to Rust in Snowy Regions of Japan?
CAR NEWS 2019/10/16

What Causes Vehicles to Rust in Snowy Regions of Japan?

While Japan may have various geographical conditions, it has one of the world's heaviest snowfall regions. Five regions are listed in the world snowfall ranking. In terms of time, snow remains on the street for months from mid-November to March (Longest until May). Under such circumstances, you can easily imagine that rust will be form underneath of vehicles used in daily lives. Also, people in snowy area do not wash their cars frequently because it gets dirty immediately after washing.

However, if it is just snow, cars are very well protected against it. So how does rust occur in cold regions? When iron parts come in contact with oxygen, iron oxide or rust is formed. This process is accelerated by a substance called sodium chloride, commonly used in road-salt or cryoprotectant. During the winter seasons, the roads are often covered with anti-freezing agents. Along with infrequent car washes, rust can develop quickly.

Areas with more snow are shown on the map. When temperatures are low at night, these areas are often laid with anit-freezing agents to prevent the risk of frozen roads. Therefore rust is often seen on vehicles used in such places. Features of this region may affect the price of used cars. If you find cheaper prices from these areas, this may be the reason.

Dark Blue: Heavy snow region / Light Blue: Normal snow region
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Comparing Pricing; Buying Direct from Japan vs. Buying in New Zealand
HOW-TO 2019/10/09

Comparing Pricing; Buying Direct from Japan vs. Buying in New Zealand

There is a lot of blogs and advice online about how and why to bring a car across from Japan rather than purchasing locally in New Zealand. But, one thing that lacks is how much can you expect to save when buying directly?

When searching online in NZ, for Nissan X-Trail, 4WD, 2008, 50~100,000km. You can see the cheapest models range around $9,900 to $10,500 as of 7th October 2019.

Searching the last 1 month sales (as of 7th October 2019) within the same parameters, you can see there were some great deals in Grade 4 , non accident condition. Look at the savings, look at the profit!

IMPORTANT: Not every car is going to be as cheap as you think. One thing we notice with first time buyers from New Zealand is that the expectation is that all cars will be cheaper than pricing in NZ. 

We work on a 10% success rate at auction. This means that out of 10 cars you bid on, we will win one. But we aim for the one car to be a great deal for you or your dealership.

Why the pricing is cheap in Japan compared to NZ.

  1. Automobile Tax System in Japan - As vehicles get older in Japan, the tax increases. Thus, especially when a vehicle hits about 10 years old, it can sometimes make more economical sense to trade the vehicle or dispose of the vehicle and get a new vehicle.
  2. Interest Rates - are extremely low in Japan so it makes sense to get a new car every few years and pay low monthly payments rather than paying for a car outright. This high turnover of vehicles means a large oversupply of used vehicles for the Japanese domestic market. Dealers will put these trade in vehicles through the auction for the world to bid on.
  3. Japanese “Shaken” (Warrant of Fitness/WOF) - comes up every 2 years. It is extremely expensive in comparison to New Zealand WOF, so once the Shaken expires, most people are unlikely to spend around $2000 getting a new shaken. This does not particularly mean there is anything wrong with the car, and these “shaken-less” cars are where you can buy some great deals at auction here.
  4. Auctions - this is the cheapest and most transparent way of buying a car directly from Japan. Because there are SO many cars going through auction every week there is a lot of times where the competition at auction is low and reserve prices are generally low. This is where the best deals can be found.

So, once you have access to the auctions you will be able to see up to 120,000 cars per week going through auctions in Japan. 

You will also be able to see previous sales stats on what cars sold for. 
If you want to get some great deals directly from auction, talk to Nikkyo Cars. You can see all of our costs to NZ here.

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Comparing Pricing; Buying Direct from Japan vs. Buying in New Zealand
CAR NEWS 2019/10/09

Comparing Pricing; Buying Direct from Japan vs. Buying in New Zealand

There is a lot of blogs and advice online about how and why to bring a car across from Japan rather than purchasing locally in New Zealand. But, one thing that lacks is how much can you expect to save when buying directly?

When searching online in NZ, for Nissan X-Trail, 4WD, 2008, 50~100,000km. You can see the cheapest models range around $9,900 to $10,500 as of 7th October 2019.

Searching the last 1 month sales (as of 7th October 2019) within the same parameters, you can see there were some great deals in Grade 4 , non accident condition. Look at the savings, look at the profit!

IMPORTANT: Not every car is going to be as cheap as you think. One thing we notice with first time buyers from New Zealand is that the expectation is that all cars will be cheaper than pricing in NZ. 

We work on a 10% success rate at auction. This means that out of 10 cars you bid on, we will win one. But we aim for the one car to be a great deal for you or your dealership.

Why the pricing is cheap in Japan compared to NZ.

  1. Automobile Tax System in Japan - As vehicles get older in Japan, the tax increases. Thus, especially when a vehicle hits about 10 years old, it can sometimes make more economical sense to trade the vehicle or dispose of the vehicle and get a new vehicle.
  2. Interest Rates - are extremely low in Japan so it makes sense to get a new car every few years and pay low monthly payments rather than paying for a car outright. This high turnover of vehicles means a large oversupply of used vehicles for the Japanese domestic market. Dealers will put these trade in vehicles through the auction for the world to bid on.
  3. Japanese “Shaken” (Warrant of Fitness/WOF) - comes up every 2 years. It is extremely expensive in comparison to New Zealand WOF, so once the Shaken expires, most people are unlikely to spend around $2000 getting a new shaken. This does not particularly mean there is anything wrong with the car, and these “shaken-less” cars are where you can buy some great deals at auction here.
  4. Auctions - this is the cheapest and most transparent way of buying a car directly from Japan. Because there are SO many cars going through auction every week there is a lot of times where the competition at auction is low and reserve prices are generally low. This is where the best deals can be found.

So, once you have access to the auctions you will be able to see up to 120,000 cars per week going through auctions in Japan. 

You will also be able to see previous sales stats on what cars sold for. 
If you want to get some great deals directly from auction, talk to Nikkyo Cars. You can see all of our costs to NZ here.

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