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Alza de Precio al Transporte Maritimo a Nivel Mundial
LATEST NEWS 2019/10/04

Alza de Precio al Transporte Maritimo a Nivel Mundial

¡Atencion a todos los importadores !!

Apartir del 1 de Enero del 2020 abra una nueva limitación del contenido de azufre en los combustibles para el transporte marítimo. 

Esto quiere decir que todos los buques deven cumplir con la IMO 2020, la normativa de la Organización Marítima Internacional (IMO en sus siglas en inglés) que entrará en vigor el 1 de enero de 2020. La regulación IMO limitará el contenido de azufre en los combustibles para el transporte marítimo, pasando de un 3,5% permitido actualmente, al 0,5% en 2020. 

Así, el límite de azufre del 0.5% es una reducción significativa del límite global actual de 3.5%, que se ha mantenido hasta la fecha. Además, también prevén la reducción progresiva de las emisiones de óxido de azufre (SOx), óxido de nitrógeno (NOx) y materia particulada (PM) a nivel mundial y la creación de las ECA con el fin de reducir aún más las emisiones de contaminantes atmosféricos en las zonas marítimas designadas. 

Todo esto quiere decir que las navieras tendran que cambiar de combustible , cambiar los filtros , cambiar de motor o cambiar de buque para cumplir con la nueva normativa IMO 2020. Todo esto ara que las navieras tenga gastos enormes para poder modificar el sistema de contaminacion de sus buques afectando el costo del flete maritimo se incrimente de una forma fenomena. 

Faltando menos de 3 meses para el comienso de la IMO 2020, una de las mas navieras mas famosas del mundo “ Maersk “ implementa nueva tarifa de combustible ambiental por IMO 2020. 

Via la pagina web de “ Maersk “

Actualización sobre el factor de ajuste de búnker (BAF) y la nueva tarifa de combustible ambiental (EFF)

11 septiembre 2019

A partir del 1 de enero de 2020, entrará en vigor una nueva regulación para reducir la contaminación del aire de los barcos a nivel mundial. Mientras que hoy en día los barcos pueden usar combustible con un contenido de azufre de hasta 3.5% (fuera de las áreas de control de emisiones), el nuevo límite global de azufre será de 0.5%.

El costo del cumplimiento de la nueva regulación será significativo, por lo que el costo de envío aumentará.

Actualización sobre el factor de ajuste de búnker (BAF)

Como se comunicó anteriormente, nuestro Factor de ajuste de búnker (BAF) revisado está diseñado para ajustar las tarifas del contrato dentro de la duración de un contrato, en función de las fluctuaciones en los costos relacionados con el combustible. Se aplica a contratos con una validez de más de 3 meses.

En 2019, hemos utilizado el precio del combustible para combustible con alto contenido de azufre (3.5% de azufre) para calcular el BAF. A partir del 1 de enero de 2020, la tarifa BAF se calculará en función del precio del combustible para gasóleo de azufre al 0,1% con una deducción fija de 50 USD / tonelada.

Nueva tarifa de combustible ambiental (EFF)

A partir del 1 de diciembre de 2019, Maersk introducirá una tarifa de combustible ambiental (EFF) en todas las transacciones, que se aplicará a todos los negocios spot y contratos con validez de hasta 3 meses.

El arancel del FEP será específico para el comercio y reflejará los aumentos de costos relacionados con el combustible que resultan del cumplimiento de la regulación IMO 2020 (calculada como la diferencia de precio entre el combustible con alto contenido de azufre y el combustible con bajo contenido de azufre multiplicado por un factor comercial).

Las tarifas de EFF solo se revisarán en caso de fluctuaciones significativas del precio del combustible (más de 50 USD / tonelada).

Las tarifas del FEP aplicables a partir del 1 de diciembre de 2019 se anunciarán a fines de octubre de 2019.

No dude en comunicarse con su representante local de Maersk si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el impacto en su negocio de la regulación IMO 2020.

Asi como la naviera “ Maersk “ ya declaro que abra una alsa de combustible eso tambien lo hara las demas navieras y todos los costos de los transportes maritimos se incrementaran. 

Todavia no esta todo declarado por todas las navieras como actuaran con esta nueva regulacion IMO 2020, asi que mientran los costos maritimos acuales no suban imediatamente , seria muy recomendable embarcar toda la mercancia posible. 

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All-Purpose Toyota HiAce
CAR NEWS 2019/09/26

All-Purpose Toyota HiAce

First released in 1967, the HiAce (High Ace) was first marketed as a commuter van designed to transport up to 8 people. It has transitioned into a family-centric vehicle with models focusing on leisure and travel. Why the Toyota HiAce is the all-around van:

Cargo Van. The perfect size for a logistics or moving company. The HiAce puts practicality over all else with enough storage space to make daily work a breeze. The HiAce comes in LWB and SLWB models with 6.2m3 and 9.3m3 of cargo volume respectively.

HiAce Cargo vans Toyota Singapore

Passenger Van. The HiAce was primarily designed as a commuter vehicle transporting up to 8 passengers at a time. It is the perfect van for companies to provide pick-up and drop-off services like at the airport or to tourist destinations.

Camper. Because it is a mini van it can be parked in most parking spaces. And has the perfect size to be remodeled into a small home. Great for family camping trips. Recent trends of remodeling small buses or vans has become very popular among camping enthusiasts. Used Hiace go for $5000 USD and remodeling for another $3000, compared to camping trailers starting from $10,000 to $300,000 USD. The HiAce is for any couple or small family with a budget in mind.

HiAce storage space converted into a tiny home.

Emergency Services. Often used for emergency service vehicles around the world, for example a ambulance in Japan. The Toyota HiAce is one of the world's most reliable light commercial vehicles on the market. Some running more than 10 years with mileage well over 100,000km.

Ambulance from the Ichikawa Fire Department

Overall. If you value sheer reliability and practicality over looks, the Toyota HiAce is hard to beat. Whether you're looking for a travel van or a light commercial vehicle, the Toyota HiAce will most certainly fit your needs. Browse our stock of Toyota HiAce.

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Most Fuel Efficient Cars?
CAR NEWS 2019/09/25

Most Fuel Efficient Cars?

When we talk about fuel efficiency, the Toyota Prius without a doubt takes a spot on the list of most fuel efficient vehicles. For years it has been the gold standard for fuel efficient cars. But are there other vehicles on the market that can compete with Prius' fuel efficiency?

Toyota Prius. For decades the Toyota Prius has been seen as the most fuel efficient car on the market. In 2007 the United States Environmental Protection Agency rated it among the cleanest vehicles in the states. Ever since its debut in 1997, the Toyota Prius has changed the way drivers see fuel efficiency. With an estimated 48 miles per gallon in the city, the Prius has been the best selling hybrid car with almost 4 million units sold as of 2017. Recent years, drivers have been putting fuel efficiency as priority when choosing a new car. Check out our stock on the Toyota Prius.

Honda Insight. Another car with great fuel efficiency is the Honda Insight. Coming in at an estimated 40 miles per gallon in the city. The Honda Insight is another great choice for those fuel conscious drivers. Just like the Prius, the Insight is Honda's solution to the growing market for fuel efficient vehicles. With a little bit more leg room and less funky looks, some may prefer the Insight over the Prius.

Honda Fit Hybrid. May be the car that can go head to head up against the Toyota Prius. With an estimated 46 miles per gallon, the Honda Fit Hybrid is a very close contender for best fuel efficiency. In the right conditions, the Honda Fit Hybrid can even surpass 50 miles per gallon efficiency. In addition to impressive fuel efficiency, the Honda Fit Hybrid also comes with more rear leg room compared to the Toyota Prius.

In the end, Toyota and Honda both make reliable, quality cars with amazing fuel efficiency. Both delivery wonderful driving experiences at affordable prices. Check out these cars from our stock before they run out!

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How Good are Electric Cars?
CAR NEWS 2019/09/24

How Good are Electric Cars?

Electric vehicles can be seen as the future of motor vehicles but how good are they? Like all new innovations, there are plenty of pros and cons to electric vehicles. Technology is evolving at a fast pace and many disadvantages of electric cars have become misconception that continue to give EV's a bad name.

Charging Stations. Many potential owners of electric vehicles are put off by the lack of charging stations. In many cities, it is still very hard to find charging ports for electric cars and finding one can be a hassle. If you were to travel outside of the city, at longer distances, the problem becomes more pronounced. More frequent charges is require when traveling long distances and it would be a shame to be stuck on the high way without power. But as this form of transportation matures, charging stations are more convenient to find; especially in urban areas.

Battery Distance. Most electric cars average about 100 miles (160 km) before they need to be charged. But as technology progresses, longer distances and faster charging is no longer a dream. Electric vehicle with the longest range on a single charge is the Tesla Model S with a maximum range of 337 Miles (542km). And as more car manufacturers join the competition, the average range on a single charge as greatly increased. Recently electric cars like the Chevy Bolt and Nissan Leaf are all capable of ranges passing 200 miles in a single charge. They have also made electric vehicles become more consumer friendly.

Price of Charging. Possibly the most attractive aspect of owning an electric vehicle. If electricity costs USD $0.20 per kWh, then charging a small electric vehicle (60 kWh) like the Chevvy Bolt only costs about $1.20 to run 255 km. In comparison, if gas price was at USD $3.00, you can only get 40 km out of the most fuel efficient car (Toyota Prius) in 2019.

Price of Owning. Despite the improvements and advantages, the price tag can put off many to-be-EV-owners. The average entry electric vehicle starts from $30,000 but are usually partially subsidized by the local government to push for a greener environment.

Hybrid Vehicles. They have great mileage, thanks to the electric motor. Cost less to purchase and are also subsidized by local governments. In some countries you can even avoid traffic driving on HOV lanes with electric vehicles. You can also forget about finding a charging station on longer trips. Check out Nikkyo's discounted hybrid cars.

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NIKKYO TEAM 2019/09/24


Importar a sua viatura diretamente do Japão não é coisa de outro mundo, especialmente agora que a mais confiável exportadora japonesa de veículos usados, a Nikkyo Cars, possui atendimento em português e agentes locais para lhe instruir e ajudar durante seu processo de importação.

Com muitos anos de experiência neste mercado de viaturas usadas, e com o suporte de agentes locais totalmente qualificados, podemos garantir que terá um processo de importação totalmente seguro e sem dores de cabeça.

Se está importando uma viatura do Japão pela primeira vez, recomendamos que procure um agente local ou até mesmo um despachante aduaneiro de confiança para que possam lhe explicar os detalhes de recebimento da viatura e pagamento de taxas de importação, direitos, matrícula, etc.

Alguns passos importantes que deve seguir antes de iniciar o processo de importação:

  1. Esteja sempre atualizado com o câmbio do Metical para Dolar americano.
  2. Peça ao seu agente ou despachante que faça uma simulação do valor total da importação (valor da compra + pagamentos locais) para que possa se preparar antecipadamente.
  3. Entre em contato conosco e poderemos lhe indicar um agente para que tenha uma importação segura e sem dores de cabeça caso não tenha experiência.

Caso não tenha encontrado a viatura que procura em nosso stock, não se preocupe, entre em contato com nossa equipe e poderemos procurar pela viatura que procura em todos os leilões de automóveis do Japão. Estaremos aqui para garantir que a sua total satisfação!

Estaremos aguardando o seu contato!

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Tetris Challenge: Emergency Services
CAR NEWS 2019/09/20

Tetris Challenge: Emergency Services

From Europe to South East Asia, emergency services have been taking part in a craze on the internet know as the Tetris Challenge. The challenge started when the police department of Swiss canton of Zurich sparked a interest on there facebook page gathering several thousand likes.

"Every Sunday I post an exciting, nice or funny picture from the police everyday life on Facebook and Instagram. It was during a department open day and we had spread the contents of the police car next to it. Two policemen had the idea to join as well."

Rebecca Tilen, Zurich Police Department Press Officer
Swiss Canton Zurich Police Department doing Tetris Challenge

Soon other Swiss emergency department joined in and from there it spread to the Netherlands, Hungary, Austria and Germany.

Hungarian Police Department

Then it got the attention half way around the world in Singapore. Featuring Sengkang Fire Station's emergency workers and the whole sprawl of equipment.

Sengkang Fire Station, Singapore

Since the challenge, Zurich's police department has gained significant new followers and increased awareness to their prevention campaigns.

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How Often Do You Wax Your Car?
HOW-TO 2019/09/20

How Often Do You Wax Your Car?

Once every six months, once a month? Every wonder how often you should wax your car? Besides giving your car that head-turning shine; waxing helps create a protective layer, shielding your car against pollution and the destructive effects of the elements. Lets look into the steps and tools needed to help protect your precious four-wheel investment.

Preparation. Before we begin waxing, the very first step is to give your car a clean rinse. Use a good clay bar to help remove any build-up of grime and other unwanted matter. Keep in mind that washing should be done at a moderate frequency. Too often and the minerals from the water can build up in areas hand-drying won't reach. Trace salts may also cause corrosion in areas you may not be aware of. Car specialists recommend washing once a week at most or when the car is in a grimy state. And for example it would be waste of time and money to wash too often during the monsoon season when you know it would be raining in the next few days. A through wiping or detailing is the way to go. Which brings up our next point; detailing.

Detailing is a fast and easy approach to taking care of your car and can be done often. All you need is a good detailer spray (some mixed with wax), and quality microfiber towels. Wipe gently in dusty areas and crevices. Rinse towel often or dust particles embedded in the microfibers may scratch the surface of your car.

Waxing. Once the car is dry and dust-free, we are ready for waxing. When waxing it is preferably best to wax in doors to avoid direct sunlight and dust. High temperatures accelerate drying of the wax making it harder to buff. If you don't have a garage find a spot in the shade, pick a overcast day or wax in the evening.

Depending on the types of wax applied, usually a car is recommended to be waxed four times a year or every three months to protect the vehicle's finish. Easiest way to tell if your car needs to be waxed is by splashing a bit of water on it. If the water does not bead up and drip down immediately your car is very likely in need of waxing.

Different Types of Wax. There are two main kinds of wax: natural and synthetic.

Natural car wax is made of natural ingredients mostly found in plants. The most common natural wax comes from the palm trees of Brazil known as carnauba. It is much harder than synthetic wax so it takes much longer and may need specialized tools to buff. But natural wax provides a high level of protection and a deep shine enhancing the hue of cars, particularly dark-colored cars. Because it can wear off fairly quickly so your car may need frequent applications every 4 months.

Synthetic car wax on the other hand is a combination of chemicals that can clean and bond with the paint. It gives your car shine and protection that can last up to a year. It is also less time consuming to apply and more affordable compared to natural wax, making it the preferred choice among everyday drivers.

The key to a good waxing is taking your time. It is all in the detail. When waxing, wax in a vertical or horizontal method to prevent swirls and apply evenly to all areas. Be careful of getting the wax into cracks and crevices. Afterwards buff off the wax gently with a microfiber towel. The whole process should take about an hour.

In the end, choosing the right car wax and how often to wax your car depends on how much time and money you are willing to invest. There are synthetic wax that offer affordable, longer-lasting protection but lack in shine. While there's the more expensive option of deeper shine and quality protection but more frequent re-applications. The choice is up to you!

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Washing Your Car by Hand
HOW-TO 2019/09/12

Washing Your Car by Hand

It can be a relaxing and satisfying activity. It makes you will save the money that would otherwise be spent paying for a car wash, and allows you to give extra attention to especially dirty areas of your vehicle and sometimes avoid mechanical troubles of your car.

Commercial car washes use abrasive materials that may scratch and dents or damage your car’s paint, so washing your own car by hand will allow you to keep the vehicle condition in good and paint job in pristine condition.

To wash your own car by hand, you’ll need a flat space, shady patch of concrete, and access to plenty of water and a hose like the photo as follows. You’ll need to wash your entire car in one session, which usually takes an hour or two depending on the size of your vehicle and how dirty it is.

To be Continued...

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Most Popular Cars in Africa
CAR NEWS 2019/09/02

Most Popular Cars in Africa

African's Favorite Cars

Toyota, BMW, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Audi, Ford, etc... The world's leading automotive brands are investing in the African market. First to sell, then to build more and more models on in Africa. From Japan, Germany, France and in the USA, discover the model of car that is popular with locals.

Nikkyo Cars Offers the Opportunity to Discover the Most Popular Automotive Brands

Like most people in the world, African people prefer some specific brands and models than others. The emergence of a growing middle class in Africa supports the local car sales market.  The strong growth also allows to see more and more luxury cars.

The people of Africa are particularly fond of beautiful cars that are both fast and comfortable. African people enjoy cars of major brands like Toyota, Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Audi, Ford, etc...

African people enjoy cars of major brands like Toyota, Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Audi, Ford, etc...

The Japanese Car Maker Toyota Ranks First in Africa

Remains unquestionably the best-selling car brand in Africa, offering a wide range of vehicles ranging from small city cars like the small Hatchback Toyota Yaris, also called Vitz which is well more imposing, its wide range is able to please all audiences in Africa. Two more Japanese Manufacturers, Honda and Nissan are present and are very appreciated by the local population and very used daily. The Korean brand Hyundai lately became very popular.

German cars such as BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke) and Mercedes-Benz are increasingly present on the market to bring significant growth in the sector.  In the same German automobile group comes another German brand which is the Audi. Also, the American Ford remain irreplaceable in the hearts of Africans. Below you will find a list of some of the most popular car brands in Africa.

The largest automaker and has been the world's first manufacturer to produce more than 10 million vehicles annually since 2012. In July 2014 Toyota also announced the production of its 200 millionth vehicle.

Toyota is the global market leader in hybrid electric vehicle sales and one of the largest companies to drive the adoption of the mass market for hybrid vehicles around the world.  Toyota is also a market leader in hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Cumulative global sales of Toyota and Lexus hybrid passenger car models hit the 10-million mark in January 2017. Prius is the world's best-selling brand with more than 6 million units sold worldwide in January 2017.

The company was founded in 1967 and, with its 32.8% subsidiary, Kia Motors. In addition, its wholly owned luxury subsidiary Genesis Motor, includes the Hyundai Motor Group.  It is the third largest car manufacturer in the world. Hyundai operates the world's largest integrated auto manufacturing facility in Ulsan, South Korea, with an annual production capacity of 1.6 million units.

Honda Motor Co., Ltd., Honda Technology Research Institute Company, Limited), or more simply Honda, is a car manufacturer. It is also a manufacturer of motorcycles, ATVs, scooters, business jets, electric generators, boat engines and gardening and DIY equipment. In 2008, Honda sold more than 17 million four-stroke engines, making it the world's largest producer.

The Renault - Nissan - Mitsubishi alliance is a Franco-Japanese strategic partnership between car manufacturers Renault (based in Boulogne-Billancourt, France), Nissan (based in Yokohama, Japan) and Mitsubishi Motors (based in Tokyo, Japan) who sell more than 1 vehicle out of 9 in the world.

The automotive group sold 10.6 million vehicles worldwide in 2017, making it the world's largest light-duty vehicle manufacturing group. Since January 2018, the Alliance has been the world's leading manufacturer of rechargeable electric vehicles, with worldwide sales since 2010 of more than 500,000 electric vehicles.

The best-selling vehicle in the Alliance EV lineup is the Nissan Leaf all-electric car. The Leaf is also the world's best-selling plug-in electric car in the highway sector, with more than 400,000 units sold worldwide until March 2019.

The German global automotive brand and a division of Daimler AG, is known for its luxury vehicles, buses, coaches and trucks. The head office is in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg. The name appeared for the first time in 1926 under Daimler-Benz. By 2018, Mercedes-Benz was the world's best-selling premium car brand after selling 2.31 million passenger cars.

The company was founded in 1916 as a manufacturer of aircraft engines, which it produced from 1917 to 1918 and again from 1933 to 1945. Automobiles are marketed under the BMW, Mini and Rolls-Royce brands, and motorcycles are marketed under the BMW Motorrad brand.

In 2015, BMW was the world’s twelfth largest producer of motor vehicles, with 2,279,503 vehicles produced. The headquarters of BMW is located in Munich. The company produces vehicles in Germany, Brazil, China, India, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States.


320i TOURING M-SPORT | Automatic | 53000km | 2007

Volkswagen (abbreviated VW, literally: "people's car") is a German car brand created in 1937 by Ferdinand Porsche, under the leadership of the German Labor Front led by Adolf Hitler. 

The Volkswagen brand belongs to the Volkswagen AG Group, which in 2018 is the world's leading manufacturer of vehicles ahead of Toyota with 10.8 million units sold.

Audi AG is a German automaker, sports and luxury manufacturer, a subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group called VAG (Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft) which holds the 99.55% mark.  The head office is located in Ingolstadt, Bavaria.

With a presence in 55 countries around the world, Audi is active in most segments of the passenger car market, including prestige sports, thanks to its two subsidiaries, Lamborghini and Audi Sport.  In 2012, the company sold 1,524,635 vehicles, a record since its inception in 1909, and ranks among the most profitable manufacturers.

Ford (officially Ford Motor Company) is an American car manufacturer, based in Dearborn, a suburb of the city of Detroit, Michigan.  Ford employs around 350,000 people worldwide and was for a long time second world manufacturer, behind General Motors.

Ford became in 2004 the third world car manufacturer, overtaken by Toyota.  Ford was then overtaken by the German Volkswagen Group and was ranked fourth in 2011.

All the above-mentioned types of cars can be found at Nikkyo Stock, and Nikkyo’s purchasing department staffs are always keen to buy only high-quality cars, that meet our customers’ need in Africa and all around the globe.

If you are based in Africa and seeking for a used car to import to your country in Africa, Asia, Americas, Oceania and Europe. Nikkyo has a number of local representatives in several countries in Africa and we are still planning to expand our business to help you get a pleasant experience when it comes to purchasing your cars from Japan and exporting it to you.

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How Often Should You Wash Your Car?
HOW-TO 2019/08/23

How Often Should You Wash Your Car?


Depending on where you live, you should wash your car every few weeks. WESTEND61/GETTY IMAGES

Your car is a major investment and you spend a ton of money maintaining it — oil changes, tire rotations, brake pads. But have you ever considered something as simple as washing your car as an investment, too? Just how often do you need to do it and how important is it?

Sometimes it's obvious when your car needs a wash. After a long day of driving down a dusty, gravel road, for example. Or when that flock of birds takes aim at your car's hood while you're parked under what you think is an ideal shade tree.

But what about washing your car as part of its general maintenance schedule? Whether you do it to protect the paint and minimize rust so you can drive it forever, or to keep the car in pristine condition for higher resale value later, there are several reasons to wash your car regularly.

How Often Is Enough?

Most experts recommend washing your car every two weeks or so throughout the year as a general rule. If you live in an area with a lot of salt — either from a nearby ocean or from salt trucks on the winter roads — you probably should wash it more, as salt can corrode the metal and cause rust.

Those who spend a lot of time driving through the backcountry should give their car a little more TLC, as well. The aforementioned bird business is acidic enough to eat through your car's paint job if it's left too long. Same goes for dead bugs and tree sap, so they should be washed off as necessary.

Your car can go longer between washes depending if you don't drive it every day, or you keep it in a garage and out of the elements.

And while we might think of car washes as a summertime chore, you actually need to wash your car more often in the winter. Salt from the roads is one of the worst offenders, and it can cake onto the body of your car and wreak havoc. More frequent trips to the car wash, particularly those with hand-held pressure wands, will help protect your car from salt buildup.

Of course, the interior of your car is exposed to less salt and fewer dead bugs, but it still needs to be cleaned. Use a vacuum hose to get any particles (dog hair, dry cereal, bits of dried leaves) out of the seat crevices and off the floor mats. If you find any stains during the vacuuming process, you can use an upholstery spot cleaner to remove them. Dingy seats can be cleaned with a simple solution of warm water and mild detergent.

Leather seats, though, need to be cleaned and conditioned to keep the leather from cracking and aging, at least every three months or so. If you drive a lot (say for a living) or the interior of your car is exposed to the sun, condition the leather every two months.

Waxing and Detailing

Most cars need a good application of wax at least twice a year. You can test whether you need a new coat by splashing a bit of water on your car. If it beads up, you're good. If it doesn't, your car need a good waxing.

Wax does more than make your vehicle shiny and pretty. It also helps those corrosive substances we've discussed — salt, sap, bugs, bird business and more — slide right off your paint. If they don't, the wax at least provides and extra layer of protection between the offending dirt and junk and the paint job.

Finally, one of the best things you can do for yourself (and your car) is get it detailed. Think of it like a meticulous spring cleaning for your car, inside and out. Most detailing jobs cover everything from vacuuming every last inch of the interior to cleaning your car's grille with a toothbrush. Tons of businesses offer this service, and the prices vary, but can range upwards of $100 or more, though you can do much the same process yourself in an afternoon.

While your car might feel and smell clean after a good detailing, it isn't something you have to do very often. A simple wash every two weeks, a wax at least every six months and a basic interior clean-out every few months should keep your car (and investment) in top-notch shape.

NOW THAT'S CLEVERThe most eco-friendly way to wash your car is at a car wash, where the runoff will be captured and treated rather than entering storm drains and eventually nearby streams and rivers. But if you're going to wash your car at home, pull onto the lawn. As long as you're using mild, biodegradable soap — which is gentle on your car's paint anyway — you can give your grass a drink on a dry summer day.

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